Coaches – Prepare Social Distance compliant sessions (up to 20 people)

Now more than ever it’s critical to plan your training sessions to ensure that throughout the training session your players always are engaged and maintaining...

Reboot your skills with these great drills

calendarMay 30, 2020 tag development

Check out these great football training drill resources which are all designed for use now or with minimal modifications while social distancing rules apply. These...

COVID-19 guidelines – for Training

calendarMay 22, 2020 tag pre-season, rules

During the week, training groups must train strictly on the fields allocated by the club and on the agreed day and time. As of June...

W12/U12 to Seniors: Changes to the playing rules for 2020

calendarMarch 7, 2020 tag pre-season, rules

Changes have been made to the Laws of the Game (LOTG) for 2020.  Some of the changes are: Team officials can now receive yellow and...

No grading required for girls W9 and W10

calendarJanuary 20, 2020 tag annual, pre-season

Just confirming that there will be no grading required for girls W9 and W10 age groups.  Grading will begin for girls at W11. For the W9...

Good News – No Tunnel Work Site in Our Car Park :)

calendarDecember 5, 2019 tag community

The NSW State Government has announced that the major construction site in Seaforth for the entrance to the proposed Beaches Link Tunnel will now definitely...

Drought water restrictions and usage of grounds

calendarDecember 3, 2019 tag academy, general, pre-season

The MWFA has issued an update to all clubs regarding the decisions that have been made about ground usage because of the serious ongoing drought...